Hello February!

Happy February, bloggers. I can’t believe the first month of 2014 is over already.

Today I’m looking back on what I accomplished in January. My goals were…

1. End 1st Semester with a 4.0 or higher.

Check! Smile I ended up with a 4.0 exactly. I was at an 89% in Spanish, so I was SO close to a 4.15! I’m so proud of the hard work I put in through finals. It all paid off!


2. Complete the 21 Day Yoga Challenge like Jessica and Leigha.

Check! I LOVED this challenge. It really helped me manage my stress and become more comfortable with my body. Sounds cheesy but it’s true! There were only two days I didn’t do yoga, and I was able to “make up” the video later on. I definitely want to continue doing yoga! I think I will do a combination of videos on my own at home as well as trying out a class or two.

3. Work with my RD, not against her, to find a healthier balance with food. It’s a new year and I want to be “okay” with food so that I can be a great runner and function as well as my body possibly can.

Check? This goal was much more difficult for me. There was nothing measure-able about this goal. However, I have gradually upped my calories. I’m eating at least 300 a day more than the maximum I would eat a month ago. I think I’m feeling better about food but it’s hard to say. My nutritionist hasn’t been a lot of help the past two appointments. She just told me to “eat more” yesterday. That is way, way too vague for me. I asked for more clarification and she just said to increase my carbs and protein at every meal and add more fats. She gave me examples for the fats I should be adding but I don’t think that helps much. I still have no clue how many calories my body needs, and eating without tracking anything doesn’t work for me (I become too paranoid that I’m eating too much and start restricting.) I think I have made significant improvement over the past month- my body does feel better- but I still have a ways left to go.


I must say, January was a success. I am very proud of the work I did in January!


Now it’s time for February.


1. Break 8:00 in the mile. I only have one time recorded for the mile- and it was a downhill mile right after cross country season. I got 6:57 in that. I really think I can break 8:00 on the track, as long as I keep doing the workouts and putting my all into practice every day. It was hard for me to set a track time goal because I don’t have any “starting” times! We do a time trial for the mile this Friday, so I may have to reevaluate this goal then. Smile


2. Take a yoga class. Christina and I keep saying how we need to try a yoga class, but this month I am actually going to (finally) DO IT! Just one yoga class may seem like it’s not even a goal, but if you see how busy my February is, you would understand. Winking smile Track meets will be starting very soon, plus I am taking an ACT, plus I was chosen as a leader for a retreat so I have TONS of planning to do, plus I have auditions for next year’s band!


Which leads me to my final goal…

3. Practice oboe for at least a half hour 3 times a week. Auditions are in February and March and I want to be 100% prepared. I’m (potentially) the first oboe in our school for next year. I need to start acting like it with my practice schedule!

P.S. I love this quote.


These goals aren’t as big as my January goals, but I wanted to make them attainable and fun. Like I said, I am super-duper busy this month and I don’t want my goals to bring me too much unnecessary stress.




What are your goals for this month?


Red heartEmily

20 thoughts on “Hello February!

    • Thank you Miranda!! That means a lot (:

      I play the flute too! Oh I am terrible at practicing. Practicing isn’t any fun. I love playing in band but I probably won’t continue after high school because I don’t like putting in the time on my own.

  1. You will TOTALLY be able to break an 8:00 mile! For some reason, I’ve always gotten nervous before timed miles, even when I’m just doing it on my own. And awesome job in school! 89% is so frustrating though!

    • I really hope so Aurora!! (: I am nervous because it’s in front of a large group of people and it’s on the indoor track. That means people will be passing me and that’s not exactly motivating. I gotta keep my head up and push myself though! (:

  2. So proud that you did so well on your goals! It’s too bad your nutritionist isn’t much of a help. I don’t know how many calories to eat either so I’m in the same boat as you! Holy wah I didn’t know you were that good at oboe! I went to band camp once and I got 2nd to last chair… oh well 🙂 Yoga did wonders for me too!!

    • As far as calories, I’m looking at multiple online calories and just working my way up. I’m adding about 100 calories a week. I’m really trying to just use it as a guideline- I didn’t track yesterday at all.

      I was 2nd to last chair when I went to band camp before my freshman year, so girl, you’ve got time! (: I feel like I’ve naturally gotten better with time. And oboe isn’t exactly a competitive instrument (:

  3. So proud of all the things you accomplished! Congrats on the grades- that’s fantastic :). Try adding in some avocado to a sandwich or an extra tablespoon of peanut butter now and then. Wish your RD had been a bit clearer with you, but those are some tasty additions to help get in some healthy fats 🙂

  4. I can’t believe you got a 4.0 – congratulations! Trying to figure out calories sucks…I totally understand. Christina is 100% right though – nut butters and avocado are great, and so are hummus and coconut! I think if you just focus on accomplishing your February goals as well as you did for January everything will all work out! 🙂

    • I’ve been adding lots of dip (guac & hummus!) to all my veggies. I’ve also been adding olive oil to everything I make on the stove. I need to work on the coconut- I love coconut! (: Thanks for all the suggestions & support Emma (:

  5. Happy February! My favorite ways to get calories are granola and nut butters! Or I add nuts or other high calorie, healthy things to snacks like apples, greek yogurts, etc! You can do ittt 🙂

    • Hey Katherine! Happy February to you as well (;

      I really need to add more nut butters to my diet. I have been stuck on PB2 for so long!
      I also need to eat more than 1/8 cup of nuts at a time. Getting there (:

  6. Those sound like great goals! I’m glad to hear you feel like you’re working towards recovering successfully… even if your RD isn’t helping as much as she could. I’ve just been getting back into yoga lately after too much time not doing ANYTHING (not being able to run all winter stinks!) so I’m happy to hear that you have had such a positive experience as well 🙂

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