Monday Miles #1

Liz at Carpe Diem and Run started a new series about her workouts. I decided to link up with her- so here is my Monday Miles post! SmileThanks Liz!!

Last week’s workouts:

Monday: 48 Minutes (supposed to be part-tempo but we didn’t feel up to it), 10 minutes abs, yoga

Tuesday: 46 Minutes easy, weights, yoga

Wednesday: 10 minute warm up, 8x short hill, 15 minute cool-down, yoga

Thursday: 40 minutes easy: 3.56 miles, weights, yoga

Friday: Rest. I planned to run after school but the weight room was locked up and I didn’t feel so good after finals. See below. Yay listening to my body! Also, yoga.

Saturday: I joined a gym because it was too cold to run outside, and it was 10 bucks for a month (Thanks, Groupon!). 70 minutes on a treadmill alone. Embarrassingly slow pace: 6 miles. Watched 16 Candles. \

Later, yoga.

Sunday: Rest & Yoga

Total Mileage: ~20 miles (My garmin decided not to find satellites a few of the days)

Reflection: Yoga = amazing. But as far as runs, I’ve felt so slow!  For the past week it seems like I’ve had the sniffles on and off, but on Friday after finals, it seemed pretty bad. I took a day off of running on Friday. On Saturday, I woke up and I felt kind of sick. Like, blowing my nose a lot and a bit of sinus pressure sick. I decided not to run outside this weekend because I felt sick and it was only 1 degree out there on Saturday.

I took a 24 hour allergy medication Saturday afternoon, and it seemed to help for like 5 hours. I’m sneezing a lot, so that’s what makes me think it’s allergies. The allergy medication doesn’t seem to help much though.

I NEED whatever this is to clear up by Tuesday!! Tomorrow I have my 2nd day of finals and it’s the first day of track practice! I’m so excited for the season, I just hope my body cooperates!

**I hope it doesn’t seem like all I do on my blog is complain. Lately I feel like all my posts are very attention-thirsty, like “oh feel bad for me”, but I don’t want it to be that way at all! Sad smile


This week’s workouts:

Monday: On my own, 35 minutes on a treadmill (easy, took a 5 minute walking break not counted in time), 10 minutes abs and yoga.


Tuesday-Saturday: Unknown. The coaches haven’t given us a schedule because as of tomorrow, track season has OFFICIALLY started! Smile

Sunday: Rest & my last day of Yoga!! I’m so sad this challenge will be OVER! Sad smile



What’s your workout plan? How do you deal with being sick and running?

Red heartEmily

20 thoughts on “Monday Miles #1

  1. If you’re looking for more yoga yogatic has a great youtube channel of free classes 🙂 So sorry to hear you aren’t feeling the greatest, hopefully whatever it is doesn’t linger and ruin what sounds like an exciting week.

  2. I’m so jealous of all your running!! And I can’t believe track starts tomorrow for you, I still have a month left of basketball and track starts in March! I’m loving yoga too, I think when it’s done I’m just going to keep doing the videos! I’m so happy we did the challenge!

    • Girl you are too hard on yourself. We all do that- I swear I am queen at not finishing things. and that’s okay! we can’t do everything (: I’m SO happy I could make your day today!! (:

    • That’s awesome that you can do that (: After school if I was given the option I would probably choose going home and sleeping every day. that’s why having a team to hold me accountable works for me (: and that movie is timeless!! (:

  3. Haha! I love 16 candles! 😉 I don’t usually run when I’m sick, but exercise of some sort (abs, etc) makes me feel better for some reason. I like the Blogilates videos because you can do them inside if it’s freezing outside 🙂

  4. Good job girl!! Seems like you have a good plan going! I love yoga… but am not so keen on running… haha I wish I could love it!! HAHa, anyways I hope that you have a great rest of your week 🙂

  5. Sure hope you felt better during exams as taking a test sick sure stinks. Congrats on completing the yoga challenge, sounds pretty amazing. And 70 minutes on the treadmill is a truly impressive feat, pretty sure my short attention span would get the better of me before 20 minutes. 😛

    • Thank you! I did actually, I recovered from that mini-cold pretty quickly, I was so lucky. I don’t know how I did it either.. I guess I split it into mental chunks, like every half mile or quarter mile or whatever (:

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